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Building 20, Walk in International Medical and Dental Centre, opposite Richmond School, Inder Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110087

Prof Dr. Sachin Dev Sachdeva​

MDS, MS (Cranio Facial Surgery),DNB, PhD,
FRSH (London), FIAOMS (USA) FCCE (USA), FRMCOI, DICOI DISOl, Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgeon and Implantologist. Dean of Delhi institute of health care and research, New Delhi. He is Founder & Director of ASIIM Implant solutions PVT.LTD. He is also a Founder & Director of IIM Academy offering exclusive courses and training on cortico-basal implantology for dental surgeons nationwide with live surgeries. As an author he has 14 books, 200 research publications and more than 120 scientific addresses/ papers/ guest lectures to his credit. He is Padamshree award 2023 nominee and has been awarded Bharat Gaurav Ratna Award.

Prof Dr. Archana Sachdeva

Prof Dr Archana Sachdeva is an Orthodontist currently heading Speciality Aesthetics, Delhi. She underwent her graduation and specialization in field of Orthodontics from Central India. Further she upgraded her speciality trainings from various parts of Europe & USA.
TICS She has authored book on obstructive sleep apnea. ACA
At present she is also Faculty of Academy of Fixed Orthodontics, New York.
Further She is a visiting faculty at various international centres of Malaysia, Singapore, Mayanmar, Dubai & New York.
She is popular among her students for her interactive and lively way of teaching.